What are the best team building ideas?

The best team building idea for your event and your goal depends on many factors. Here we give you an overview of team building ideas that you can carry out yourself without a team building agency and ideas where you can rely on the help of the professionals at BITOU.

Outdoor team building ideas (self-guided)

You can carry out these outdoor team building activities yourself with little effort

  • Team hike – walk the route beforehand and make sure that all team members can complete the route. It is best to give the hike a motto or a task, e.g. each team member must have spent at least 2 minutes talking to everyone about their childhood experiences of hiking by the end of the hike.
  • Geocaching – choose a suitable cache from the geocaching portal. If you have no experience with geocaching, you can read all about it there.
  • Boßeln – a sport in East Frisia that is also ideal as a team event. One of the best team building ideas that you can do yourself. You can find more information here
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Moderated outdoor team building ideas

Team Olympics
6 – 3000
120 – 240 minutes
Face to Face

Team Olympics

Experience a top-class company party with the BITOU Team Olympics! Look forward to unique and exciting activities such as pipeline, tower building and aerial rocket shooting, which not only provide a lot of fun but also strengthen team spirit. At BITOU, we take care of …
Highland Games
120-240 minutes
Face to Face

Highland Games

Tree trunk slalom, hay bale throwing, whisky tasting: a Highland Games company party supplies lot of momentum and entertainment in the company event. With BITOU, you receive the whole package: we take care of the complete organisation for you – Europe-wide. And you have your …
Wind park - innovative & cooperative
4 – 500
90 – 150 minutes
Face to Face

Wind park – innovative & cooperative

Experience teamwork at its best: practical and lively! The construction of the BITOU wind farm brings people and teams together in a variety of ways and creates an event where a wide range of talents are in demand. Every participant has the opportunity to get …

Indoor team building ideas (self-guided)

Here you will find some indoor formats that are very easy to implement without external service providers:

  • Video clips with AI – Have an AI write a script on a topic you specify and give your team the task of creatively implementing this script. You can record and edit the whole thing with a cell phone. At the end there will be a big movie show.
  • Visit an escape room – If you have not yet done this as a team, it is definitely recommended. However, the escape rooms are usually only suitable for small groups.
  • Build a bee hotel – get ready-made kits for an insect hotel. Ask all team members to bring the appropriate tools and you’re ready to go. Don’t forget to individualize the “hotels” and decide together where they will be placed.

Moderated indoor team building ideas

Chain Reaction Compact
60-90 minutes
Face to Face

Chain Reaction Compact

How do you reduce a team down to the bare minimum, so that an us-feeling arises in no time, colleagues work together creatively – and at the same time, the use of materials is as low as possible, so that no waste is produced? Our …
Code Crackers – NEW Escape Game
4 – 1000
60 – 120 minutes
Face to Face

Code Crackers – NEW Escape Game

Experience the ultimate challenge for teamwork and analytical thinking with Code Crackers, an engaging escape game. This dynamic team building activity aims to foster trust, collaboration and team development in a competitive corporate culture.

Ideas for large groups (self-guided)

  • Board game tournament – All participants bring their favorite board game and simply play in groups. It is advisable not to use games that last too long and to allow a change after a certain time
  • Domino day – get about 50 times as many dominoes as there are participants. Build a long chain of dominoes with color effects together. You can find a suggestion on YouTube here.
  • Dinner in white – Invite everyone to a dinner together, e.g. in the company canteen. Everything is set out in white and all participants come dressed in white. Everyone brings their own menu and, of course, you can taste, swap and, above all, communicate at dinner. If you would like to know more about the dinner in white, you can find more information here.
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Moderated team building ideas for large groups

Chain Reaction XXL
6 – 3.000
60-180 minutes
Face to Face

Chain Reaction XXL

The term “Chain Reaction” reminds many of their chemistry lessons. But with this event, it’s not about a scientific experiment, but a social one: will we manage to work so precisely with a team as big as 3000 colleagues that it ultimately only takes a …
WUP – the quick warm up for big teams
45-60 minutes
Face to Face

WUP – the quick warm up for big teams

Making connections, starting a conversation, experiencing new impulses – the warm up »WUP« brings life into the company event. It was especially created as a networking impulse and quickly makes the colleagues more familiar with each other through the choice of tasks. Because of this, …
10 – 3.000
30 – 60 minutes
Face to Face


Haka is a ceremonial dance of the Maori people. It has become known through the New Zealand rugby team: the All Blacks, to gain the respect of their opponents before the beginning of the game, demonstrating power and unity. With body, voice and mimes, the …
Rollercoaster – bring movement into the team
30 minutes
Face to Face

Rollercoaster – bring movement into the team

One team, one rollercoaster, one goal: bring the ball along the rollercoaster to the destination together. The rollercoaster consists of pipes which, once fitted together, build the track. And the support of the rollercoaster? That’s you, the team! Through coordinated movements, you transport the …
Battle Bingo – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
9 – 6.000
60 – 90 minutes
Face to Face

Battle Bingo – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

‘Battle Bingo’ is our new and exciting version of the well-known classic. Join the competition against your colleagues and find out which team is the most creative and quickest when solving the various challenges. Cooperation is a must if your team wants to take the …

When sustainability is the focus of the team event (self-guided)

  • Collect garbage – equip your team with garbage bags, gloves and garbage grabbers and start a joint garbage collection campaign in the countryside. Perhaps you can arrange with the town or local council to drop off the bin bags there. And don’t forget a small reward for the team. We think it’s one of the simplest and most useful team building ideas ever.
  • Repair Cafe – get everyone together, preferably in a workshop or other suitable location. Everyone brings things from home that need to be repaired. It’s about using the different talents in the team. One person can perhaps darn holes in clothes, the next can get a cell phone working again, repair the toaster or simply ensure the team’s well-being with a cake.
  • Planting trees – This team event idea does require some preparation to find a suitable plot of land and some budget for plants, but here you are creating something very long-lasting and sustainable. An idea that will inspire your colleagues.

Moderated sustainable team building ideas

Wind park - innovative & cooperative
4 – 500
90 – 150 minutes
Face to Face

Wind park – innovative & cooperative

Experience teamwork at its best: practical and lively! The construction of the BITOU wind farm brings people and teams together in a variety of ways and creates an event where a wide range of talents are in demand. Every participant has the opportunity to get …

There are an almost infinite number of teambuilding ideas. The key is to choose the right idea for your team in order to achieve the set goals and inspire all participants.

Team building ideas for the Christmas party (self-guided)

  • Build a gingerbread house – have the baker bake large slabs of gingerbread, make sticky egg whites with a food processor and get ingredients to decorate the houses. Now your team can easily build their own houses, landscapes etc. It’s great fun and all the other colleagues will also be happy when the gingerbread can be eaten.
  • Cutting a Christmas tree – get in touch with the forester or a forest farmer and you’re ready to go. Ideally, you should go on a short hike through the forest and cut down trees that have been marked in advance.
  • Theme evening – add a theme (e.g. 70s, 80s, Grand Prix, future…) to the visit to the restaurant for a cozy Christmas dinner. The evening will be more colorful and there will be plenty to talk about.

Moderated team building ideas for the Christmas party

Christmas Challenge
60-150 minutes
Face to Face

Christmas Challenge

What happens after a long day at a year-end meeting or Christmas party? Some retire to their rooms or offices, others explore the city – and if things go well, they meet up outside the office or on the company or hotel grounds. But wait: …
Christmas Smart City Challenge
4 – 3.000
60-240 minutes
Face to Face

Christmas Smart City Challenge

Kick-off your Christmas party the right way with this challenge. Also suitable as an interlude activity of a bigger programm, people will have to tackle festive riddles and puzzles. While being outside, only a smartphone or tablet is needed to collect as many points as …
Christmas Escape Game - Santa Claus
4 – 2000
60-120 minutes

Christmas Escape Game – Santa Claus

Santa Claus is very busy. He has loaded up a lot of presents. However, some have been stolen from the sleigh on the way by strangers. How does he find them again? With our help, of course! Everyone must work together as a team to …

Team development ideas and team learning ideas (self-guided)

  • Flash idea on a napkin – Divide the team into groups of two to four people and present them with a selection of problems that have not yet been solved. These problems can be of a professional nature or freely invented (no political or religious problems). Each group is given a pen and a paper napkin on which they should sketch or write down their solutions after discussing them together. Each group then presents its solution to the other teams.
  • The Meiers – Create name cards with one family member on each card, such as Papa Meier, Grandma Meier or Daughter Meier. There are name cards for different Meier, Mayr, Maier and Meyer families. The aim of the game is to find the other “family members” and complete the families.
  • Stick game – get one or more long sticks (min. 1 m long) and divide the group into teams of 8-12 people (depending on the length of the stick and the total number of people). All participants stretch out their arms and both index fingers. Now place the stick on the fingers so that all team members are carrying the stick with both index fingers. The teams’ task is to place the stick on the floor together. All index fingers must be in contact with the stick at all times. However, the other fingers must not press on the stick from above. Talking to each other is allowed. Let’s go!


Moderated team development ideas and team learning ideas

Ideas for international team building (selfguided)

  • Virtual speed dating – prepare exciting questions and moderate the speed dating so that you always send 4 participants into a virtual room where they can discuss a question for 3 minutes. For the next question, the rooms are randomly reshuffled. Questions could be: What was your highlight last week? What was the most exciting task in my professional life so far? What challenge do I really want to tackle in the next 12 months?
  • Culinary world tour – if people of different origins are on site in a team, invite everyone to cook or bring along various specialties from their home country. They can then eat and snack together and, above all, talk about where the specialties come from. If everyone is scattered around the world and only connected virtually, you can organize several cooking days on which one team member instructs the others to prepare a speciality from their home country. Don’t forget to send the shopping list to everyone beforehand.
  • Cultures in the team – ask all team members to give a short Pecha Kucha presentation about their home country. This works both in person and online. And here in particular, brevity is the spice of life.

Moderated ideas for international team building

Travel Around The World
5 – 1.000
90 minutes

Travel Around The World

”Ah, that’s why!” Or ”now I get it…” sentences like these mostly accompany the online team event “Travel Around The World”, as we set off together to find out more about each other, discover different cultures and to broaden our horizons together. The aim …
Chain Reaction Hybrid
8 – 3.000
90-180 minutes

Chain Reaction Hybrid

What is better than a team that mutually knows and trusts each other? When all hands mesh together, when individual work steps work without a hitch – the outstanding results emerge which everyone can be proud of. The team event Chain Reaction makes exactly this …
Code Crackers – NEW Escape Game
4 – 1000
60 – 120 minutes
Face to Face

Code Crackers – NEW Escape Game

Experience the ultimate challenge for teamwork and analytical thinking with Code Crackers, an engaging escape game. This dynamic team building activity aims to foster trust, collaboration and team development in a competitive corporate culture.
Gourmet Quiz Online
90-180 minutes

Gourmet Quiz Online

Many team events are about chatting and reflecting, indulging in memories and enjoyments you share together! A suitable environment is necessary for this, so that once a year, the team members really feel at home. This environment is offered by our Gourmet Quiz as an …

Regional team events (self-guided)

Of course, we can’t list all the team building ideas in your region here. But here are 3 ideas that are sure to be available in your area.


  • Climbing garden – here it is particularly important to ensure that no one in the team is excluded, e.g. due to a fear of heights. In this respect, it is essential to obtain information about all participants beforehand. Use the Gudie climbing park, for example, to find a suitable climbing garden
  • City tour – a city tour can also be a very useful team-building activity if there is enough room for communication between the participants. When choosing a tour, make sure that there are always longer breaks to talk. You can find a large selection of cities on the city tours page.
  • Event cooking – A regional team building activity that takes a little more time and is usually tied to local venues, but is almost always well received. We have a link to a list of the best cooking schools here.


Moderated regional team events

Highland Games
120-240 minutes
Face to Face

Highland Games

Tree trunk slalom, hay bale throwing, whisky tasting: a Highland Games company party supplies lot of momentum and entertainment in the company event. With BITOU, you receive the whole package: we take care of the complete organisation for you – Europe-wide. And you have your …

Summer & winter ideas (self-guided)

  • Summer party – organize a summer party with various market stalls on the company premises. Invite food trucks and a few showmen. This concept is only suitable for large groups. For smaller groups, each department could also set up a small market stall and the participants put the cans back together themselves, for example, when throwing cans.
  • Snowshoe hike – hire snowshoes and choose a nice route. In the winter sports areas, there are usually special maps on which snowshoe tours are marked, e.g. in the Black Forest.
  • Barbecue evening with campfire – reserve a barbecue site (often a few weeks in advance) and get a barbecue buffet from the local caterer (please remember vegans and vegetarians – there are now very tasty barbecue products without an animal base)

Moderated summer & winter ideas

The season and the weather are often decisive for outdoor team building ideas. We have made sure that, with very few exceptions, our ideas work both outdoors and indoors. Here you will find a selection of team building ideas that work both indoors and outdoors or where there are two variants.
Wind park - innovative & cooperative
4 – 500
90 – 150 minutes
Face to Face

Wind park – innovative & cooperative

Experience teamwork at its best: practical and lively! The construction of the BITOU wind farm brings people and teams together in a variety of ways and creates an event where a wide range of talents are in demand. Every participant has the opportunity to get …
Chain Reaction XXL
6 – 3.000
60-180 minutes
Face to Face

Chain Reaction XXL

The term “Chain Reaction” reminds many of their chemistry lessons. But with this event, it’s not about a scientific experiment, but a social one: will we manage to work so precisely with a team as big as 3000 colleagues that it ultimately only takes a …
Team Olympics
6 – 3000
120 – 240 minutes
Face to Face

Team Olympics

Experience a top-class company party with the BITOU Team Olympics! Look forward to unique and exciting activities such as pipeline, tower building and aerial rocket shooting, which not only provide a lot of fun but also strengthen team spirit. At BITOU, we take care of …
Battle Bingo – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
9 – 6.000
60 – 90 minutes
Face to Face

Battle Bingo – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

‘Battle Bingo’ is our new and exciting version of the well-known classic. Join the competition against your colleagues and find out which team is the most creative and quickest when solving the various challenges. Cooperation is a must if your team wants to take the …
Rollercoaster – bring movement into the team
30 minutes
Face to Face

Rollercoaster – bring movement into the team

One team, one rollercoaster, one goal: bring the ball along the rollercoaster to the destination together. The rollercoaster consists of pipes which, once fitted together, build the track. And the support of the rollercoaster? That’s you, the team! Through coordinated movements, you transport the …

Online team building ideas (self-guided)

  • Virtual scavenger hunt – Similar to an offline scavenger hunt, the team that successfully completes all the tasks first wins. For example, you can have your employees research certain information on the Internet in small groups, search for specific elements on certain websites or solve tricky puzzles. Creativity is required here!
  • guess the desk – all meeting participants take a picture of their desk or from the position of the desk (e.g. from the window) at which they are currently sitting. Now have all the pictures sent to you and show them individually on the split screen. The team has to guess who took the picture.
  • Letter hunt – you or another team member give out 3 randomly selected letters. Now all participants have to hold 3 objects in front of the camera that begin with the letters as quickly as possible. The first person to do this wins and is awarded points. And it starts all over again.

Moderated online team building ideas

Crime Time Online
90 minutes

Crime Time Online

Friend or foe? It is not always easy to see. Often, insight into human nature and clever conclusions are needed to find out how other people are thinking and feeling, what motivates and spurs them on. At the online team event Crime Time, colleagues dive …
Chain reaction remote
60-180 minutes

Chain reaction remote

Ping! A chain reaction has to clatter, ring, beep and rustle. The noisy setting is simply part of this fun-filled team event. The team builds a mechanical construction out of funnels, tubes, balls and kitchen utensils. The aim is to finally set the chain in …
Black Out Online
4 – 2000
60-120 minutes

Black Out Online

Team building, keeping your distance and a breath of fresh air. The outdoor online team event »Black Out« connects all of these aspects with each other. The team collects individual clues in active motion outside, in order to solve exciting tasks together which follow in …
The Christmas online Gourmet Quiz
90-180 minutes

The Christmas online Gourmet Quiz

What else could better put a team in a cosy and overjoyed mood than delicious tasters? Our Christmas Gourmet Quiz is a perfect start to an online Christmas party. Especially nice: as it is taking place at home, children and grandparents can also try…