A sweat lodge, a leadership circle and an intense experience

Individual event redesign
Since time immemorial there have been sweat lodge rituals. They serve the inner cleansing as well as the refueling of strength. Letting go of the old and welcoming the new – sweat lodges are a popular ritual for carrying out processes of change. The sweat lodge consists of a branch framework, which is covered with blankets or furs opaque. Inside are glowing hot stones. The ceremonial leader pours water over the stones, creating an unspeakably hot, humid heat inside the hut. To read how we used the sweat lodge as an opportunity to create a spiritual and transformative experience for members of a leadership team, click here.
The task
The management circle of a large German automotive supplier approached us with the task of developing its own format for a special occasion. New members were to be admitted to the management circle and two older members were to be given an appreciative send-off into retirement. There was a very good basis of trust in the existing team on which we could build. To meet the requirements, we individualized the classic sweat lodge.
The location
As a location we have chosen an exclusive hotel in the countryside to reflect together in a comfortable atmosphere even after the sweat lodge ceremony and to celebrate the evening together.
The procedure
The course of the ceremony was completely tailored to the leadership team. As much information as possible about all participants was gathered in advance so that the individual characters were taken into account in the ritual.
Four rounds – Four seasons
The sweat lodge ceremony was held in four rounds – corresponding to the four seasons. In spring, new fresh forces take hold. In summer, heated discussions and debates can occur, in autumn the fruits of labor are reaped, and in winter nature shuts down and peace returns.
The coach
In this special atmosphere, an experienced team trainer and coach led through this powerful and impressive ceremony, which was individually tailored to this team. The ceremony leader has a special significance: He creates a safe space and maintains it throughout the entire sweat lodge ceremony.
A spiritual team event of a special kind
The sweat lodge ceremony literally got under the skin and remains an experience that, according to the participants, lingers for many months and even years. The individualized team event not only strengthened the mind and body of the participants, but also the mutual trust within the team. With the ceremony, we paved the way for the new members of the leadership circle to start afresh and gave the older members a fitting farewell. A truly unique experience.
We thank the Bosch Rexroth management team for this unique experience!
Why individualizations increase team spirit
Whether own branding for the recognizable and individual image, individualization of the contents of our team events and team developments up to the new conception of team events, we offer you the whole range of individual solutions for your company-specific occasion. Individualizations do not only increase the identification of your employees with your company, but also allow a more detailed treatment of your individual topics. In a detailed consultation we will find out together with you how we can individually implement your requirements and create an unforgettable team experience.