Planetary Saga - learn change management

  • 7 – 300
  • 120 – 240 min (without reflection)
  • Virtual | Face to Face
The demands on modern teams have increased extremely through digitalisation, globalisation and industry 4.0. In addition to this, there are also developments such as the demographic change, economic crisis and quickly changing competition. Permanent changes from the inside are needded, not only now and then, put continuously. With Planetary Saga, the particpants are playfully introduced to change management processes and agile work - they learn how to deal with change and to actively take part in the change. On the basis of John Kotter, the 8 steps of change management will be implemented in »Planetary Saga«.
main topics:
Planetary Saga – learn change management

Ready for Change – The Story

In »Planetary Saga«, our mother planet Zeron becomes uninhabitable. Thousands of generations have lived here and layed the foundation of society, stone for stone. Now, catastophes can no longer be stopped and it is time to resettle the population, and we are responsible for this. But how do we teach the people how to do it?

»Planetary Saga« is played in teams of 3 to 6 participants over eight rounds haptically and in the form of a boardgame. The aim is to collect as many civilisation points as possible in order to rescue humanity. Within the eight rounds, the teams have to make important decisions and govern their resources efficiently.

Planetary Saga Teamentwicklung Szene

How to introduce your team to change management processes with »Planetary Saga«.


»Planetary Saga« offers the participants a realistic view of change management processes in the comapny and makes various ways to subsequently reflect after the simulation possible. Managers can try out how to lead the change while employees and teams get a better feeling of how they deal with the changes by playing an active part.

The implementaion of new processes and structures requires a team culture in which change can live, but also openess and a certain degree of curiosity, flexibility and vitality. With »Planetary Saga«, colleagues learn to open themselves up to these processes.

Learning effects

  • teams are playfully made familiar with change management in the company
  • teams actively take part in the change management process
  • teams learn how to adapt their communication style so that they can integrate with their colleagues and customers more effetively
  • teams learn how to improve their working relations and ability to communicate


The reflection follows at the end and this is the valuable part for your team: we structure the learning results, discuss the takeaways of the individual teams and provide enough room for exchanges together. Every individual team receives a score which shows how much the thoughts of the change processes (Kotter) have already been internalised.

Possible occasions

  • Start of a change process
  • Framework conditions change
  • New demands made of the team
  • Better understanding for group dynamic processes within team work and the resulting effects
  • Awaken excitement for new topics


»Planetary Saga« is available as a version on-site and as a digital version for virtual events. »Planetary Saga« offers you an ideal start to the change process. Each participant receives a workbook that has valuable background information and where own takeaways can be added.

Customer reviews

“The turning point when the doubts and fears of impending change suddenly turn into a shared energy of optimism. It’s a really intense experience.”

Employee Jächting GmbH

At a glance

Included services

  • Extenisve advice beforehand
  • Implementation and presentation (on-site or online)
  • Licence costs
  • Workbook for each participant
  • Analysis and reflection by our team trainer*

*only available if you book the active module with trainer.


  • 7 – 300
  • 120 – 240 min (without reflection)
  • Virtual | Face to Face
  • Europe (virtual Worldwide)
  • German, English
  • 2 m2 per participant, at least 20 m2
  • Year round

Suitable for

  • Leadership teams
  • High performance teams
  • Teams on all hieratic levels
  • Change task force teams

Wählen Sie optional Ihren Trainer aus.

We will contact you immediately to discuss the details (scope, procedure of the team development) and to provide you with a non-binding offer.

Lars Nebe
Nicola Hartung
Mag. Martin Kozak